On this page you can find all helpful documents which depper describe FoodCASE. Manuals show how to run our client which you can find on the Playground suppage.
Workshop Documents
Welcome to FoodCASE Playground
This website was created to allow interested parties to test FoodCASE. Clicking on the link “Compiler Client” starts the software with which food composition data can be managed. If you do not have a personal login, please use the following:
Username: test
Password: Welcome
Information for administrators: The port 50447 for server needs to be open to run FoodCASE. The communication is Java RMI.
Compiler Tools
Comfortable way - Start FoodCASE on the web
1. Click link below icon to start download
2. During downloading browser may ask you if you want to download file, you need to agree.
3. After download, you will get a security prompt that ask if you are sure that you want to run the application. The application uses a self-signed certificate and that is why this security prompt show up. Just accept the risk and click on Run
Compiler Tools
Fast way - only on Windows - Download and install FoodCASE
1. Download FoodCASE client app or admin tool (zip file)
2. Extract zip file to the folder of your choice
3. Go to that folder and double click on the FoodCASE Client.bat or FoodCASE Admin.bat.
If you get a message that Windows protected your PC, click on more info and click on the button “Run anyway”.

Food Composition
Calculate food composition values based on analysed values, borrowed values or just by using formulas. Calculate also recipe values according to European and International standards.

Total Diet Study
Manage your TDS foods, samples and subsamples in one system. Use a mobile application for sampling and several interfaces to import and export data.

Food Consumption
Collect interview data with food answers and quantification. Collect also additional information like socio-economic and make simple consumption analysis.

Food Linkage
Link the dataset from food consumption with the datasets from food composition and TDS to enable new investigations and insights.
Did you know?
FoodCASE is the worldwide most used database system to manage food data. It is used by governmental, research and private institutions.

Work together with a scientific community
FoodCASE was developed in different research projects at ETH Zurich and maintained the academic spirit. A FoodCASE user group managed by EuroFIR AISBL is meeting on a regular basis to discuss new functionalities so that all users profit.
Costs, Service and Source Code
Best of all, FoodCASE is free of charge.
However, an attractive maintenance and support package is available for professional food data managers where also source code is included.
lines of code makes it a big information system
years of experience in handling and managing food data
installations in institutes, companies and projects
Contact Us
If you have any questions or want to make a test installation,
we are happy to help you. Please contact us.